22 December 2014


Hello all!

Here's my outfit for Gyaru Finland's Xmas Meetup from last Saturday. We went to sit in a cafe, took some pictures and went to a few shops. It was quite a short meetup, I had to leave pretty early to go eat with my boyfriend~ I like shorter meetups though, since the wigs and makeup start to get really uncomfortable after some hours ^^'

I wanted to have something Christmas themed and after coming up with the outfit I realized I needed a head piece to complete the outfit. So inspired by Pin's last year Halloween outfit I decided to have a bow with some decorations on it!

You can't really tell from the pictures but I matched my piercings with my other golden jewelry~ When they have completely healed I'm going to change them to golden rings! ^^

Our small meet up group! ^^

With Pin, I am always amazed with his hair skills, I mean dayummm if that isn't the most gorgeous piece of wig I have ever seen. Until his next creation of course.

Hope everyone will have relaxing holidays ahead of them! ♥


  1. Aivan ihana asu sulla *-* Söpön jouluinen, mutta silti niin gyaru. Harmittaa kun en päässyt tuonne miittiin, oli pakko olla töissä... -.-

    1. Kiitoooss ♥ Harmi että osu työvuoro just siihen :/ Ensi miittiin sitten! ^^

  2. you look adorable in your xmas look!♡
    and pin's wigs amaze me everytime... he's truly talented!

    1. Thank you sweetheart! ♥
      I know, I just don't understand how he does it! Practice makes perfect I suppose! ^^

  3. Love your hair bow! It's so fancy :D

    1. Thank you! ^^ I guess it was worth it to have glitter all over the place, ahaha ♥

  4. I love you're coordinate and total look!^^ and I have to say again that you're makeup looks gorgeous.
    All of you gals look so pretty<3 and Pin's hair*_* he's a genius!

    1. Thank you darling ♥
      Yesss, he truly is, I'm always amazed! *w*
